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Sarah stumbled a few times, but jumped right back on the horse

From the outside looking in, everything can seem a little intimidating. It’s much easier to convince yourself that you don’t have time for something; it’s impossible to complete a task; the “thing” that your friends are doing is a little too hard to do. But think about it like this: If others are doing it; if your friend is doing it; is it really that impossible? Nothing stands in your way if you try and fail. In fact, failure is necessary for progress to be made. As a child you stumbled and fell, and when you did, you got up and tried again. Your parents looked, concerned with your well being, but encouraged you to keep trying, no matter how many times you fell. You soon mastered the art of putting one foot in front of the other. Your failed attempts became lifelong lessons ingrained in your psyche, and you soon realized that anything worth having would include minor setbacks along the way.

At Prelude, we encourage you to try your hardest. The good thing about it is there are no failures, just minor bumps in the road that make reaching your goals all the more enjoyable. There’s a pot of gold waiting for you at the end of the rainbow, you just have to be willing to put one foot in front of the other, not be afraid to fall, and realize that we are here to catch you.

We are here to help.  Schedule your free one on one goal setting session with us, and find out what makes us the Best Gym in Richmond, Virginia.