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Bernadette: I want to be strong and confident and it won’t hurt to look good naked
Hometown: Virginia Beach, VA
Age: 28
Occupation: Body Care buyer at Whole Foods
When did you first start CrossFitting: Originally July 2013 at another CrossFit gym in Richmond (went about 1-2 times a week for a year). Took a break and started at Prelude December 2014
When did you first start training at CrossFit Prelude:
December 2014
Favorite WOD/Movement:
Workouts involving cleans are always fun! I guess I like cleans and deadlifts.
Least Favorite WOD/Movement:
Anything involving running and thrusters. Those both kick my butt.
Tell us about your sports; fitness; and/or life background:
Growing up, I wanted to be a martial arts master like Bruce Lee and a warrior princess like Xena. I took Tang Soo Do (Korean martial arts) for 6 years and received my black belt. I played basketball in high school and even though I am tall, was never really good. In college I got really into riding my bike and used it as my main form of transportation for years. I received a B.S. in Exercise Science from VCU. During my studies I dabbled in lots of different activities. After graduation I began playing roller derby, playing on and off for 2 years. Currently, I play recreational volleyball at RVC and Crossfit.
What is your “Something Better” that you hope to achieve with CrossFit Prelude:
I want to be strong and confident and it won’t hurt to look good naked. I don’t want to ever struggle to lift the groceries, mow the lawn, or in the future chase my kids around.
How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD… what was it, and how did it feel:
I found Crossfit through the internet and was super intrigued. I watched a lot of videos and did a lot of reading and loved it before I even tried it. When I finally got the guts to try out Crossfit, I thought I was going to puke. I didn’t know I could sweat so much. I don’t remember my first workout, but I know I had a hard time walking that week.
What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CrossFit (before/after):
I can see muscles! I have quads and biceps and I am getting little triceps! I have lost almost 10 inches off my body. I sleep well, I pay attention to what foods I eat and no matter what workout is posted, I know I will go to class and do my best.
What keeps you coming back. What motivates and inspires you:
I have fun at Crossfit Prelude. I love the coaches and the people I am working out with. I am seeing and feeling results and am inspired by myself. I go into workouts knowing they will be super hard and I come out saying “Hey, I did that! Go me!” I used to think 1 day a week was too much, now I wish I could go to the gym every day!
Please share with us any favorite CrossFit Prelude moments:
During the CrossFit Open this year, we did the last workout, 15.5. Our class scaled version involved running 200m each round instead of rowing 27-21-15-9 calories. Linnea pointed out there was only 4 of us and we could do the workout as prescribed, using the rower instead. It was the hardest workout I have done. I thought I was going to have to give up, but everyone kept pushing me and telling me I could do it. So I did. I was so sore and tired afterwards, but so grateful that we did the workout as prescribed and that I survived!
Any advice for people just getting started:
It’s tough, but it’s all doable. Don’t be scared, you won’t regret it!
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