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Jenee:  The Feeling After Completing Workouts Is Amazing. I Feel Like If I Can Do What I Just Did Then I Can Do Anything


My arms and legs are toning and becoming more defined and my weight is more consistent and under control

Hometown:  Richmond, VA

Age: 29

Occupation:  Clinical Social Worker

When did you first start CrossFitting: 

January 2015

When did you first start training at CrossFit Prelude: 

January 2015

Favorite WOD/Movement:  

I really like Olympic weightlifting movements.

Least Favorite WOD/Movement: 

Any workout involving burpees!!!!

Tell us about you sports; fitness; and/or life background: 

I’ve played sports all my life starting at a young age. Softball was something I excelled in. I travelled up and down the East and West coast playing softball competitively from middle school through High School. I was recruited by D1, 2, and 3 schools and chose a small Division 3 school in North Carolina because I wanted to focus on my academics and needed a smaller school environment. Athletically, I started every game all 4 years, broke/set a lot of records and won some cool awards too including Woman of the Year for the entire USA South Conference. I also was able to discover what I wanted to do in life besides play sports. I knew I wanted to help people, but I wasn’t sure in which capacity. Following college, I joined the Peace Corps and went to Costa Rica to work in a Youth and Families program, which was life changing. After that experience I knew I wanted to give back to my community and those most in need and pursued a career in social work.

What is your “Something Better” that you hope to achieve with CrossFit Prelude: 

I hope to be able to get better (more endurance/faster) with running. It is something I have always been challenged by and just want to improve.


Now that I’ve been CrossFitting or about 6 months, I feel stronger than when I started

How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD… what was it, and how did it feel: 

I was new to the neighborhood and was looking for a place to workout that was close by. I found CrossFit Prelude by doing a Google search and I was so nervous to begin! My brother had participated in CrossFit in NYC, and had good things to say about it, but it’s a whole different story when you’re the person actually experiencing it. I don’t remember much about the first workout except there were wall balls, among other things which at the time seemed hard. I remember thinking, “Oh my God I am going to die!” and “I can’t breathe” and something like “Why did I join?” Everyone was super encouraging and nice. It felt so challenging so, I took breaks as I needed, went at my own pace, and finished the workout. The feeling after completion was amazing. I felt like if I can do what I just did then I can do anything, right?

What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CrossFit (before/after): 

Prior to beginning CrossFit I wasn’t doing any physical activity and it had been that way for about 6 months. I had transitioned to a different phase in my life (new job/house/dog), and I’m embarrassed to say I was using the excuse of, “I’m just so busy/adjusting and I’ll start something tomorrow”. Now that I’ve been CrossFitting or about 6 months, I feel stronger than when I started. My arms and legs are toning and becoming more defined and my weight is more consistent and under control. I’m also able to push myself way past limits I had set for myself, which is enhancing and expanding my mental and emotional well-being.

What keeps you coming back.  What motivates and inspires you: 

I keep coming back to Prelude because I thrive off of competition and want to keep improving in CrossFit. I also keep coming back because the non-fitness related benefits are amazing! The coaches and community of members are a pleasure to be around…we’re like our own family. Prelude is definitely a hidden gem and I can’t imagine what my life would be like if I weren’t a member. I am motivated by my faith, which is a huge source of inspiration for me because religion plays an important role in my life. I’m also inspired by people. The human spirit is a beautiful concept full of resilience and valuable life lessons. I strongly believe that you can learn/improve a lot about yourself through genuine interactions with others. 


The feeling after completion was amazing. I felt like if I can do what I just did then I can do anything, right?

Please share with us any favorite CrossFit Prelude moments:  

The socials that I have attended outside of the gym have been great, also the 4th of July park workout was really fun.

Any advice for people just getting started: 

Just keep showing up…I promise it gets better each day and you won’t regret it!


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