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Max: Day-To-Day Life Has Become Much Easier
Hometown: Richmond, VA
Age: 31
Occupation: Pharmacist
When did you first start CrossFitting:
When did you first start training at CrossFit Prelude:
August 2014
Favorite WOD/Movement:
Workouts with body weight movements, double unders, and some form of running.
Least Favorite WOD/Movement:
Thrusters. Most certainly thrusters.
Tell us about you sports; fitness; and/or life background:
I come from a multi-sport background with a focus on track and field and martial arts.
What is your “Something Better” that you hope to achieve with CrossFit Prelude?:
I hope to develop into a well-rounded athlete and coach. My “something better” would be improving my gymnastics and Olympic lifting skillset and eventually start stringing some muscle-ups.
How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD… what was it and how did it feel?:
It was in 2007 on the top of a Guided Missile Destroyer floating in the Mediterranean. My shipmate said he found a website we should do some workouts off of. Little did I know that those few lines would start a lifelong fitness hobby. Kettlebell swings and burpees in 100 degree heat on top of grey steel never felt so fun.
What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CrossFit (before/after)?:
I’ve certainly lost a good deal of weight; but more importantly, day-to-day life has become much easier because I am more mentally focused, and I feel more prepared to deal with any physical demands that life throws at me.
What keeps you coming back? What motivates and inspires you?:
I enjoy the rush I experience when pushing my body hard (especially when Disturbed is playing), but more importantly, I enjoy the sense of belonging I feel to the close-knit community that CrossFit Prelude has grown to be.
Please share with us any favorite CrossFit Prelude moments:
To date, my favorite moment has been the 4th of July WOD in the park. Seeing so many of the box’s members out with their families cheering them on brought a great deal of joy to me.
Any advice for people just getting started?:
Everyone in the CrossFit world is there to better not only themselves but also each other. Don’t start out by comparing yourself to others who have been at this a long time. Take it slow and ask a lot of questions. We love helping others and sharing our passion for the journey we are all on.
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