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Noah: The Excitement of Making Progress is Encouraging

Don’t push yourself too hard, wait until your body is ready then you will see that you are stronger than you expected.
Hometown: Denver, CO
Age: 33
Occupation: Physician Assistant
When did you first start CrossFitting: Jan 2015
When did you first start training at CrossFit Prelude: Jan 2015
Favorite WOD/Movement:
Kettle Bell swings and sit ups.
Least Favorite WOD/Movement:
Swing throughs and burpees.
Tell us about you sports; fitness; and/or life background:
Love to play all sports, currently involved in Ultimate Frisbee and Tennis
What is your “Something Better” that you hope to achieve with CrossFit Prelude:
Increased Energy level and endurance.
How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD… what was it, and how did it feel:
I can’t remember what it was but it made me feel old and out of shape.
What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CrossFit (before/after):
More toned physique, increased energy level, increased strength.
What keeps you coming back. What motivates and inspires you:
The people! and knowing that just a week off sets you back. The excitement of seeing the weights increase with each workout is really encouraging.
Please share with us any favorite CrossFit Prelude moments:
Doing Back Squats with Griff. He really motivated me to push myself. That was the day I hit 295. Of course the WOD was torture afterwards but what a motivator!
Any advice for people just getting started:
Ease into it. It takes a few weeks to get your body to feel comfortable with the movements. Don’t push yourself too hard, wait until your body is ready then you will see that you are stronger than you expected. The results will be automatic.
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