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Tom: Everyone Wants To See You Succeed, Learn The Right Form, And Get Stronger
Hometown: Oradell, NJ
Age: 32
Occupation: Director of Visitor Services and Membership at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
When did you first start CrossFitting:
January 2015
When did you first start training at CrossFit Prelude:
January 2015
Favorite WOD/Movement:
Box Jump (they’re just fun)
Least Favorite WOD/Movement:
Overhead Squat
Tell us about you sports; fitness; and/or life background:
Played football and lacrosse in high school, but more recently I’ve gotten into running. I love trail running and hiking. My favorite race was the Blue Ridge Burn that I ran in 2012 out in Afton, VA. I took a wrong turn ended up deep in the woods on the side of a mountain. The only noise was my feet. I ran 13k instead of 10.
What is your “Something Better” that you hope to achieve with CrossFit Prelude:
To continue to focus and work hard at all aspects of my life: family, friendship, work, school, exercise.
How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD… what was it, and how did it feel:
I moved in around the corner from Prelude and really wanted to try it out. My first WOD… 7 minutes of burpees. How do you think it felt? 🙂 I came back, though!
What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CrossFit (before/after):
I’ve had lingering knee issues since high school, being able to focus on strengthening my lower body (and confidence) has made my legs stronger than they’ve ever been. My knee feels great.
What keeps you coming back. What motivates and inspires you:
The team environment. Everyone wants to see you succeed, learn the right form, get stronger and suffer through those burpees along with them. The fact that Prelude is on my block, it definitely brings me closer to my neighborhood.
Also, I learn something new in every class. There is always a new challenge to conquer.
Please share with us any favorite CrossFit Prelude moments:
It has only been three months, but we just went through crazy cold and snowy winter (for Richmond). That didn’t deter people from getting out of bed and into class. That’s some great motivation to keep working hard.
Any advice for people just getting started:
Not many people walk in with perfect form. Trust the great trainers we have, ask a ton of questions. They’ll get you there.
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