Grade school was one of the most impressionable times for all of us.  This was one of the first times we became immersed in a society outside of our homes.  If you think about it, many of the lessons we learned in school are equally applicable to our adult lives, and our lives in the gym.  Here are five lessons that can make your workouts more enjoyable and productive:


crossfit lessons learn quite

No one likes the kid who talks when the teacher is trying to speak. . . So Zip It!!!

1.  PAY ATTENTION:  All of us had the attention span of a puppy in grade school.  Mom and dad, before they dropped us off, always told us to pay attention.  In kindergarten you were forced to take naps (even though now as adults we appreciate naptime a little more).  And there was always the talkative kid who disrupted the entire class.  In our, it is equally important to pay attention.  There is one leader in the class, and that’s your Coach.  Your Coach provides you with the daily lesson, as well as the guidance necessary to complete the workout.  Fight the urge to have a side bar conversation, and remember, there are other students in class.  So “Shhhhhh. . . . Coach is trying to talk.”

crossfit coach leader class

Lead. . . Follow. . . Or Get The Hell Out Of The Way!!!

2.  FOLLOW DIRECTIONS:  Remember how we used to have to walk from class to class in one straight line?  Yeah I didn’t like that either.  Why can’t I just walk around on my own?  Why can’t I color outside the lines?  Yeah you could be a rebel, but deviating from the rules was never a good idea.   The established norm, is the established norm for a reason.  They keep the good order and discipline.  They ensure an orderly process that we can rely upon.  Additionally, they are there to protect you as an athlete.  So follow directions, listen to the movement standards, and ensure everyone around you is following accordingly.


Workout crossfit reps

Did I do 10 reps or 100? I think it was 1,000

 Getting caught in a lie meant you were in trouble.  Soap in your mouth, having to sit in the corner, or not being allowed to go out to play.  Most importantly you lost the trust of your teacher and your parents.  Integrity is important, even when you are an athlete.  Stick to the movement standards, count your reps when no one else is counting.  Be honest to yourself, your fellow athletes, and your coach.  There is no white lie in CrossFit.  Record the score you get, no matter how bad you think it is. I promise, you will get better!!!




But I promise. . . This will make you have a better Fran time

4.  PEER PRESSURE CAN BE BAD:  Conformity is necessary to a certain degree.  But remember when Little Joey told you it was a good idea to sneak your snack from your lunch at 9 am?  That never ended well.  Or how about when Jill told you it was a good idea to jump from the top of the Monkey Bars?  Yeah, a broken arm and the subsequent cast didn’t feel so good.  The same holds true in CrossFit.  Just because Johnny is lifting like he is the Incredible Hulk doesn’t mean you have to.  Keep the reps and weight within your limits, and scale accordingly.



It’s not whether you win or lose. . . .It’s how hard you push yourself

Remember when you only got a 50 on your first test?  Or didn’t get past the first round of the spelling bee?  Well, when you went home, your mother said it didn’t matter as long as you gave it your best.  The same applies in the gym.  Give your 100% effort from the moment you walk in the door.  Comparing yourself to others means nothing.  Your benchmark is you, and your goal is to be better than you were yesterday.

Apply these elementary lessons to your life both in and out of the gym.  Just because we learned them as a child, and continue to teach them to our children, doesn’t mean they are not applicable to our continuous adult development.